Golden Retriever at GGR event booth

GGR volunteer at event booth

GGR's booth at the Wine Fest event

Golden Retriever at GGR event booth
New Volunteers
Thank You for Becoming a GGR Volunteer!
Grateful Goldens could not help Golden Retrievers in need without volunteers. We are always in need of people who are willing to donate a few hours of their time to help in the operation of our rescue.
Before you begin your volunteer experience, there are a couple of housekeeping items that are required by our insurance carrier.
First, please complete and sign the Volunteer Liability Release Form. It can be downloaded, and printed out. Please scan your completed form to Chris at
ggr-gsa@sc.rr.com or mail to GGR, PO Box 2799, Myrtle Beach, SC 29578.
Second, all individuals who have exposure to any dogs in a volunteer capacity must watch the Maddie's Fund Canine Body Language video required by our insurance carrier at the link provided below:
This course provides valuable information to become more aware of canine behavior. We believe you will find it very interesting. Please confirm to GGR by clicking here when you have completed the course and attach your Certificate of Attendance. Please retain a copy of your certificate in your files.
Thank you for being a GGR volunteer!

GGR New Volunteer Orientation 051122
Welcome to GGR's video library. Listed below is the first of many videos we plan to record to provide our volunteers with insight into the various aspects of rescue operations. We hope you will find them informative. Volunteers will be informed as we add additional recordings. Thank you!